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Coming Along

Hey, Hey! Things are coming along in the studio. I have been working really hard to get things back into place. I just want my studio back to normal! Above is a picture of my walls after the drywall had been put up. It was part of my inspiration for the floor color. Michelle from Beadalotta had commented on my blog about yellow and aqua would make it have a beachy feel. That stuck with me because I love the beach. So I went to the store and picked out a turquoise and when I came home and had it in the studio, it matched the drywall exactly! I was torn where to put it though and when I saw it underneath the yellow, I knew it had to be the floor. I had really thought I was going to add some lime green and maybe a periwinkle but once they were in the studio light they made me sick-ish. I don't think I could have handle a whole studio. That's when I realized the reason I originally went with the yellow was to be cheerful and bright. There was not going to be another color to top it. I stuck with the same. I did paint over the flowers, etc. that I had on the walls. Once things get messy in here it gets really crazy. Right now I realize it's a bit boring, but trust me give it a month and I will be thankful. You can see a picture below of the studio in progress. I will do better and more photos down the road.
Have a great day,

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