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Day 3

We have built a snow woman, played games, taken walks, watched movies, and slept a lot over these past three days. There is still no school and now it's not going to be over 30 degrees until Saturday. That means no melting and from what I can tell that's Georgia's snow removal plan.
I think I a starting to feel a bit trapped today, so I am going to have to come up with something good to entertain myself.

Here are the duct taped pants I promised. We don't have snow pants or boots so I put a pair of pants on the guys and the fashioned some duct tape garbage bags as pants. We put another layer of pants on over the top. That was just in case we saw friends in our neighborhood. How embarrassing to be wearing plastic bags! They stayed warm and dry though and we did see friends.

I apologize about orders still not going out. Even if I could get to my studio to pack the boxes, we still don't have mail service.

I have been feeding the birds and squirrels with all our old crackers, they are loving it. Poor things don't get the Weather Channel to know it's going to snow. I am trying to help out.

I am rambling on here.....I guess that's what happens when your snowed in :)

Stay warm wherever you are....

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