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Bead and Button and Instagram Fun

 Hey, Hey!

 I am buried in bead and buttons glazing. I leave in less than a week for Milwaukee! I can't believe it. This will be my tenth year exhibiting at the show. My baby who is now nine years old was a newborn...six weeks old. I don't recommend trying to do your first bead show when you baby is six weeks old. What was I thinking? Wither way it was a great success and look ten years later, I am still at it.

Let's do something fun today. I'm going to Instagram every hour today what I am working on. Maybe even more. If you follow me on twitter you can see all the photos. I'll #jangles so you can find them all. Plus, I got this nifty slideshow gadget on the side of my blog, you can see my images there as well. Oh... and you can see them on facebook too! Just posted my first pic now.

Hope to see you at Bead and Button...

Visit my Website, Etsy Shop, Blog, Facebook, or Studio and Gallery

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